So I was thinking the other day as I was changing clothes up at work and decided that I would put my thoughts on the blog. So as most of you know, I am studying diesel mechanics at school and working as a technician at an international dealership. And most of you say: "that is a good field to go into." or "You should always have a job anywhere you want." But I have also had people say to me (especially after they learn that Sarah is going to be a dental hygienist) "Ohhhh, well, good for you I guess." Now what would their reaction have been if I said I was going to be a doctor? Probably something like "WOW! That's impressive!" Now I'm not saying that I want to be a doctor. In fact, I quite like being a mechanic and you can actually make a decent living as one. But let's face it, the title of mechanic just doesn't compare to doctor. Doctors get all the money, all the prestige, the fancy creams and lotions, all the money... What kind of recognition does a diesel mechanic get? None! I think if people realized the contribution we mechanics make to society, they would revere us much like doctors. Doctors may keep people living a little longer, but we keep America alive forever! Trucks are the life blood of this great nation and we are their doctors. In fact we are more than doctors. Can a doctor bring one of his patients back from the dead? I can. And what could a doctor do if we stopped caring for our "patients"? How would they get their supplies? How could the blood be delivered? How would the injured even get to the hospital? I have worked on many an ambulance in my short time as a mechanic. Without mechanics doctors would be nothing. So why do they get all the glory and the big pay checks. I say we should be getting paid just as much if not more than doctors. But what do I know? I'm just a lowly mechanic. We are getting hosed!!!