Sunday, December 9, 2012


November went by way too fast. Only a few tidbits to mention in this post... Thanksgiving was awesome. In fact, we had two of them. We did my family's Thanksgiving the weekend before actual Turkey Day so that my little brother could be there.... more on that later. Then we had Trevor's family's feast on Thanksgiving day. Usually we have both dinners in two days, but this time, having them a week apart was really nice. We had just enough time to finish off the first leftovers and then we got to start fresh with another round. Glorious, really. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures. Not sure what I was thinking. But trust me, we stuffed ourselves silly on all sorts of good stuff. And pie. Don't forget the pie.

Going back..... My little brother Josh got his mission call to Salvador, Brazil. He was to report to the Brazil MTC on November 21st (the day before Thanksgiving). Therefore, we feasted on the 17th so he could be there. Afterwards, we found out his VISA hadn't come yet, and so he was going to have to report to the Provo MTC on the 28th. He was so bummed. But everything went well. It was actually nice though because instead of dropping him off at the airport, I got to ride with him and my parents to the MTC and say my goodbyes there. He's going to be a great missionary. I'm going to miss my baby brother.


1 comment:

Rappleye Family said...

Oh man, I remember doing that with my little Brother. It really flew by so fast though!