Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cute kids

Nolan is now almost 4 months old. He is the cutest little boy in the whole world. I love him to death. He sleeps through the night (and has been since he was 2 months old), smiles ALL the time, has the cutest laugh, coos, blows spit bubbles, and is growing like a weed. He's already wearing 6-9 month clothes.

Kaydance will be 3 in about six weeks. I can't believe that I have a daughter that old. She is the sweetest thing and knows how to get what she wants. She is such a good helper for me. We've finally reached the point where she is potty trained during the night, as well as the day (she's been daytime potty trained for almost a year) and will just go to the bathroom by herself. It is so great! She is so independent and such a little lady.

Running through the sprinklers

First time swimming. NOT A FAN!!

Trevor and I are....well, okay, I'm 25 and Trevor is 26. We just keep pushing along in life. Our 5 year anniversary is coming up next week and we decided to go to Vegas this year to celebrate. We've got some awesome plans that are so exciting I'm probably gonna pee my pants :)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Sarah! Call me when you're in Vegas. I would love to see you for a few minutes!