Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Halloween

Tonight Trevor and I went to a Halloween party for our ward. It was pretty fun. We didn't know what we were going to even dress up as until last night.... we decided to be gothic people. It was actually funner than I thought. It takes a lot of work to look like that, but we had fun getting each other ready and putting on each other's make up and piercings.

We even won scariest costumes at the party. Trevor was even kind of freaking me out a little; he scared all the little kids there. I felt kinda bad about that, but it was still pretty fun. I've never won any awards for halloween costumes before, so it was a first for me.


Amir B. said...

HI! How funny to see you both so goth! It turned out great! ahah congrats on winning the prize

Natalie said...

I love your costumes!! Trevor especially makes a really creepy goth!!

Anonymous said...

You scared me. I think you look totally different!! A+ on the costumes!!

Katie said...

haha! Not surprised that you won scariest costume!

Levi and Cassie Mallory Family said...

You guys are really freaky!!

Knutson Family said...

Holy cow... you guys look TOO good as goths. Sarah, you especially. Trevor, dude, you just plain scare me. If I ever saw you like that in person, especially if it were after dark, I am sure I would involuntarily pee just a little. The goth community would be proud to have you both... good thing you're not really like that.

Amanda said...

FINALLY! I have been hoping for a long time that SOMEONE in my family would get a blog! I am excited that I can keep in touch now! Hope everything is going great! Our blog is: nathanandamanda.blogspot.com

Rappleye Family said...


Angel said...

Awesome costumes! I think that is way funny! p.s. did you ever find someone to buy your cruiser bike? My mom has been wanting one!