Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Family Band

It was Trevor's dad's 50th birthday at the beginning of August this year. Since he loves music, we decided that we would make a family band and play him a song as his present. Trevor's brother, McLain, has all sorts of instruments (he is like the most musically talented person you will ever meet), and so he taught us each a part on a different instrument. Myself and McLain's wife, Sheri, were on the guitars, Jordan, another of Trevor's brothers was on the bass, and his wife, Jaicee, on the banjo, and then McLain himself was on the mandalin. Trevor sang and played the bongo drums. We decided to play "A horse with no name" I think that's what it's called. Anyway, Trevor set up the camera and tried to record a little bit of it. It's not a great recording and he just set it up so it's on me the whole time, but you can see Jordan in the background. It definately wasn't the best performance in the world, but we all had a great time learning and performing it and his Dad absolutely loved it.


Natalie said...

That is so awesome! I love that you guys did that for David. How clever. Does McLain really own all those instruments?

Rappleye Family said...

Cute! Ha ha thats fun! Look at you on that guitar! WOW! he he